
In datafuzz, strategies are used to define ways to fuzz or add noise to data. There are currently three types of strategies which reflect three different classes: Duplicator, NoiseMaker and Fuzzer.

Required Initialization Values

To use each strategy, you must define certain attributes, as follows.

For all strategies, you need to define:

a datafuzz.DataSet object to apply the strategy to
percentage of rows to fuzz, noise or duplicate (0-100)

The NoiseMaker class has some additional requirements:

a list of columns to apply the noise to (this will be chosen at random if not provided)

a list of possible noise to apply. Options are:

  • ‘add_nulls’: add null values
  • ‘string_permutation’: apply string transformations
  • ‘random’: generate some random values based on col type
  • ‘range’: change values into given or column range
  • ‘type_transform’: apply type transformations

The Fuzzer class has one additional requirements:

a list of columns to apply the fuzz to (this will be chosen at random if not provided)

The Duplicator class has one additional options:

boolean to signify if random noise should be applied to the duplicated rows

Running the strategy

For each strategy class, you can run the strategy using self.run_strategy. This will apply the transformation directly to the dataset records.