Source code for datafuzz.dataset

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Datasets are a class used to hold imported data and newly generated data.

All transformations require a dataset, which will be manipulated by
the library and eventually exported for use.
    from import Iterable
except ImportError:
    from collections import Iterable
import os
import random
import re
from json import load
from csv import DictReader
import dataset as dataset_db
from datafuzz.settings import HAS_PANDAS, HAS_NUMPY

from datafuzz.output.helpers import obj_to_output

    import pandas as pd

    import numpy as np

[docs]class DataSet(object): """ DataSet objects are used as the primary datatype for \ passing around data in datafuzz. If pandas is installed, it will use dataframes to load \ and transform data; otherwise, it will use a list. \ You can also specify to not use pandas by passing \ keyword argument `pandas=False`. Supported inputs are JSON and CSV files, numpy 2D arrays, \ sql queries (you must pass a `db_uri` keyword argument and \ a `query` argument), pandas DataFrames and Python lists \ (of dictionaries or lists). Attributes: DATA_TYPES (str): list of possible datatypes (pandas, numpy, list). FILE_REGEX (str): regex to find file name USE_PANDAS(bool): boolean that determines whether pandas is installed and also OK to use (no `pandas=False`) records (list): data records for input (obj): initial input for dataset (can be dataframe, list, numpy array, filename or `sql`) output (str): output (if specified, can be dataframe, list, numpy array, filename or `sql`) original (obj): copy of input which won't be modified data_type (str): dataset datatype (pandas, numpy, list). db_uri (str): dataset database connection string (required only if using `sql` as input or output) query (str): dataset database select query string (required only if using `sql` as input) table (str): dataset database output table (required only if using `sql` as output) """ USE_PANDAS = HAS_PANDAS USE_NUMPY = HAS_NUMPY DATA_TYPES = ['pandas', 'numpy', 'list'] FILE_REGEX = r'file://(?P<filename>.*)' def __init__(self, input_obj, **kwargs): self.records = [] self.input = input_obj self.original = input_obj self.data_type = None self.output = kwargs.get('output') self.db_uri = None self.table = None self.query = None self.index = -1 validate_db = False if kwargs.get('pandas') is False: self.USE_PANDAS = False if isinstance(self.input, str) and self.input == 'sql': self.db_uri = kwargs.get('db_uri') self.query = kwargs.get('query') validate_db = True if isinstance(self.output, str) and self.output == 'sql': if not self.db_uri: self.db_uri = kwargs.get('db_uri') self.table = kwargs.get('table') validate_db = True if validate_db: self.validate_db() self._parse_input() self.validate_parsed() def __len__(self): """ Return length of self.records """ if self.data_type in ['pandas', 'numpy']: return self.records.shape[0] return len(self.records) def __iter__(self): """ Iterator object of self.records """ return self def __next__(self): """ Iterator object of self.records This uses `self.index`. NOTE: index is only reset on init. TODO: - find best way to reset index to -1 on next loop """ self.index = self.index + 1 if self.index >= len(self): raise StopIteration if self.data_type == 'pandas': return self.records.iloc[self.index, :] elif self.data_type == 'numpy': return self.records[self.index, :] return self.records[self.index] def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Return rows from self.records based on index """ if self.data_type == 'pandas': return self.records.iloc[idx, :] elif self.data_type == 'numpy': return self.records[idx, :] return self.records[idx] def _parse_input(self): """ initialization method which will call read input for the passed input type (in init). This will use \ the _read_$type methods to then generate the \ `self.input`, `self.data_type`, `self.records` \ and `self.original` attributes. NOTE: Files are parsed using regex and searching \ for file://$file_name """ if self.USE_PANDAS and isinstance(self.input, pd.DataFrame): self._read_pandas() elif self.USE_NUMPY and isinstance(self.input, np.ndarray): self._read_numpy() elif isinstance(self.input, str): if self.input.startswith('file:'): if self.input.endswith('.csv'): self._read_csv() elif self.input.endswith('.json'): self._read_json() elif self.input == 'sql': self._read_sql() elif isinstance(self.input, list): self._read_list()
[docs] def validate_parsed(self): """ Validate if data was properly parsed. This tests: - valid data types - records properly parsed and set to self.records - self.original exists It will raise an exception if the validation fails. """ try: assert self.original is not None assert self.data_type in self.DATA_TYPES assert not isinstance(self.records, str) assert isinstance(self.records, Iterable) except AssertionError: raise TypeError('Unsupported input: {}'.format(self.input)) try: assert len(self.records) > 0 except AssertionError: raise Exception('Could not parse data for: {}'.format(self.input))
[docs] def validate_db(self): """ Validate that proper variables are set and a connection \ can be established with the database if either \ input or output are set to `sql`. This will raise an exception if validation fails. """ try: assert self.db_uri is not None assert self.query is not None or self.table is not None assert dataset_db.connect(self.db_uri) except AssertionError: raise Exception( 'You must define a valid db_uri and ' + 'query or table to use SQL.')
def _read_pandas(self): """ Read in pandas dataframe""" self.original = self.input self.data_type = 'pandas' self.records = self.original.copy() def _read_numpy(self): """ Read in numpy array""" self.original = self.input self.data_type = 'numpy' self.records = self.input.copy() def _read_csv(self): """ Read in csv to list or dataframe""" self.original = self.input if self.USE_PANDAS: with open(self.input_filename, 'r') as myf: self.input = pd.read_csv(myf) self.data_type = 'pandas' else: with open(self.input_filename, 'r') as myf: self.input = list(DictReader(myf)) self.data_type = 'list' self.records = self.input.copy() def _read_sql(self): """ Read in sql to list or dataframe""" self.original = self.input if self.USE_PANDAS: self.input = pd.read_sql_query(self.query, self.db_uri) self.data_type = 'pandas' else: with dataset_db.connect(self.db_uri) as db: self.input = list(db.query(self.query)) self.data_type = 'list' self.records = self.input.copy() def _read_json(self): """ Read in json to list or dataframe""" self.original = self.input if self.USE_PANDAS: with open(self.input_filename, 'r') as myf: self.input = pd.read_json(myf) self.data_type = 'pandas' else: with open(self.input_filename, 'r') as myf: self.input = load(myf) self.data_type = 'list' if not isinstance(self.input, list): raise Exception( 'The JSON file must contain a list for datafuzz use.') self.records = self.input.copy() def _read_list(self): """ Read in list to list or dataframe""" self.original = self.input if self.USE_PANDAS: self.input = pd.DataFrame(self.input) self.data_type = 'pandas' else: self.data_type = 'list' self.records = self.input.copy() @property def input_filename(self): """ Return filename if input follows proper file format \ file://[absolute or relative filepath] NOTE: this will raise an exception if the file is not found """ filename = re.match(self.FILE_REGEX, self.original).group('filename') if not os.path.exists(filename): raise Exception('Could not retrieve filename {}'.format(filename)) return filename @property def output_filename(self): """ Return filename if output follows proper file format \ file://[absolute or relative filepath] """ return re.match(self.FILE_REGEX, self.output).group('filename')
[docs] def sample(self, percentage, columns=False): """ Get a sample from the dataset. Arguments: percentage (float): percentage of dataset to sample \ should be a value from 0.0-1.0 Kwargs: columns (bool): option to sample columns from dataset \ default is False Returns: A sample from the dataset with matching datatype """ if self.data_type == 'pandas': if columns: sample = np.random.choice( self.records.columns, round(self.records.shape[1] * percentage), replace=False) else: sample = self.records.sample(frac=percentage).copy(deep=True) elif self.data_type == 'numpy': if columns: sample = np.random.choice( range(len(self.records[0])), round(len(self.records[0]) * percentage), replace=False) else: sample = self.records[ np.random.choice(self.records.shape[0], round(self.records.shape[0] * percentage), replace=False)] else: if columns: sample = random.sample( range(len(self.records[0])), round(len(self.records[0]) * percentage)) else: sample = random.sample(self.records, round(len(self.records) * percentage)) return sample
[docs] def append(self, rows): """ Append rows to DataSet records Arguments: rows (list): rows to add or concatenate TODO: - is a shuffle needed? - should the index be maintained or reordered - should new indexes be ordered or not """ if self.data_type == 'list': self.records.extend(rows) elif self.data_type == 'numpy': self.records = np.append(self.records, rows, axis=0) else: if not isinstance(rows, pd.DataFrame): rows = pd.DataFrame(rows) self.records = pd.concat([self.records, rows], ignore_index=True)
[docs] def to_output(self): """ Transform DataSet records to output. \ This uses helper method `obj_to_output` \ located in `output/` Returns output object or filepath. """ return obj_to_output(self)
[docs] def column_idx(self, column): """ Return numeric index of a column NOTE: if column is not found, raises an AttributeError """ if isinstance(column, str) and column.isnumeric(): return int(column) elif self.data_type == 'pandas': return self.records.columns.get_loc(column) elif self.data_type == 'list' and isinstance(self.records[0], dict): return list(self.records[0].keys()).index(column) elif isinstance(column, int): return column elif not isinstance(column, str): if HAS_NUMPY and np.issubdtype(column, np.integer): return column raise AttributeError('Column {} could not be found!'.format(column))
[docs] def column_dtype(self, column): """ Return dtype of column Arguments: column (int): column index Return: data type of the column TODO: - determine smart way to test more than one row for a list? """ if self.data_type == 'pandas': return self.records.iloc[:, column].dtype elif self.data_type == 'numpy': return self.records[:, column].dtype elif isinstance(self.records[0], dict): return type(list(self.records[0].values())[column]) return type(self.records[0][column])
[docs] def column_agg(self, column, agg_func): """ Perform aggregate function on given column Arguments: column (int): column index agg_func (function): aggregate function to perform on column Returns aggregate result Example: `dataset.column_agg(3, min)` """ if self.data_type == 'pandas': return agg_func(self.records.iloc[:, column]) elif self.data_type == 'numpy': return agg_func(self.records[:, column]) elif isinstance(self.records[0], dict): return agg_func([list(x.values())[column] for x in self.records]) return agg_func([x[column] for x in self.records])