Source code for datafuzz.noise

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
NoiseMaker adds noise strategies to datafuzz.

This will apply specified noise transformations to a series
of columns.
import logging
import random
from datafuzz.settings import HAS_NUMPY
from datafuzz.strategy import Strategy
from datafuzz.utils.noise_helpers import messy_spaces, generate_random_int, \

    import numpy as np

[docs]class NoiseMaker(Strategy): """ NoiseMaker applies noisy data transformations to given dataset. see also `strategy.Strategy` """ def __init__(self, dataset, **kwargs): """ See `strategy.Strategy` Additional kwargs: noise (list of str): list of noise options to apply columns (list of str): list of indexes or column names If not columns are given, a random set will be chosen. limits (list of limits): range limits (list of ints) Available noise options: 'add_nulls': add null values 'string_permutation': apply string transformations 'random': generate some random values based on col type 'range': change values into given or column range 'type_transform': apply type transformations """ super().__init__(dataset, **kwargs) self.columns = kwargs.get('columns') self.limits = kwargs.get('limits') try: assert isinstance(kwargs.get('noise'), list) self.noise = kwargs.get('noise') assert self.noise except AssertionError: raise Exception('You must specify what types of noise to apply.') if not self.columns: self.columns = self.dataset.sample(self.percentage, columns=True) self.columns = self.get_numeric_columns(self.columns)
[docs] def run_strategy(self): """ Run noise strategy on sample Performs transformations on self.dataset """ if 'add_nulls' in self.noise: self.nullify() if 'string_permutation' in self.noise: self.string_permutation() if 'random' in self.noise: self.randomize() if 'range' in self.noise: self.use_range() if 'type_transform' in self.noise: self.type_transform()
[docs] def set_value(self, value, column=None): """ Set value for a series of columns or one column. Arguments: value (obj): value to set Kwargs: column (str or int): name or index of column TODO: - should this be available on Strategy class? """ if column is None: for col in self.columns: self.set_value(value, column=col) if self.dataset.data_type == 'pandas': self.dataset.records.loc[ np.random.choice( self.dataset.records.shape[0], self.num_rows), column] = value elif self.dataset.data_type == 'numpy': self.dataset.records[ np.random.choice( self.dataset.records.shape[0], self.num_rows), column] = value else: indexes = np.random.choice(len(self.dataset.records), self.num_rows) self.dataset.records = [ val if idx not in indexes else [v if i != column else value for i, v in enumerate(val)] for idx, val in enumerate(self.dataset.records)]
[docs] def nullify(self): """ Set null values for sample in columns """ for column in self.columns: self.set_value(np.nan, column=column)
[docs] def randomize(self): """ Set random values for sample in columns NOTE: this will vary based on column type """ for column in self.columns: col_type = self.dataset.column_dtype(column) min_val = self.dataset.column_agg(column, min) max_val = self.dataset.column_agg(column, max) func = None if 'float' in str(col_type): func = generate_random_float elif 'int' in str(col_type): func = generate_random_int if func: self.apply_func_to_column( lambda x: func(min_val, max_val), column) elif col_type in [object, str]: self.string_permutation(column=column)
[docs] def string_permutation(self, column=None): """ Permute string values for sample in columns TODO: - add permutations for missing characters - flipped strings - typos - homonyms / autocorrect """ if column is None: for col in self.columns: self.string_permutation(column=col) else: self.apply_func_to_column(messy_spaces, column)
[docs] def use_range(self): """ Use values from a range to set values in columns If `limits` not passed during initialization, this method will attempt to determine good limits based on the column ranges and use those. NOTE: range is only available for numeric columns TODO: - should we calculate IQR and insert outliers? - if not, should add_outliers be a new option for noise? """ for column in self.columns: if self.limits is None: min_val = self.dataset.column_agg(column, min) max_val = self.dataset.column_agg(column, max) else: min_val = self.limits[0] max_val = self.limits[1] func = None col_type = self.dataset.column_dtype(column) if 'float' in str(col_type): func = generate_random_float elif 'int' in str(col_type): func = generate_random_int if func: self.apply_func_to_column(lambda x: func(x, low=min_val, high=max_val), column) elif col_type in [object, str]: raise NotImplementedError( 'You must use a numeric column when using `range`')
[docs] def type_transform(self): """ Transform types for sample in columns. NOTE: if a string column is used and the values cannot be transformed into integer or float values, you may not see a useful transformation. TODO: - for strings, should numeric values be inserted as strings instead? """ for column in self.columns: col_type = self.dataset.column_dtype(column) if 'int' in str(col_type): func = lambda x: random.choice([str, float])(x) elif 'float' in str(col_type): func = lambda x: random.choice([str, int])(x) elif col_type in [object, str]: func = lambda x: random.choice([float, int])(x) if func: try: self.apply_func_to_column(func, column) except (ValueError, TypeError): logging.exception( 'Could not change type for column: %s', column)