Source code for datafuzz.strategy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Strategies define how the data will be fuzzed, duplicated, noised and altered.
import logging
import random
from datafuzz.utils.noise_helpers import numpy_type_transform
from datafuzz.settings import HAS_NUMPY

    import numpy as np

[docs]class Strategy(object): """ Strategy objects apply predefined noise and fuzz to datasets. Parameters: dataset (`datafuzz.DataSet`): dataset to noise / alter Kwargs: percentage (int) : percentage to distort (0-100) If none given, default to 30 Attributes: dataset (`datafuzz.DataSet`): dataset to noise / alter percentage (float) : percentage to distort (0-1) NOTE: each strategy type may have additional required keyword arguments see also: `duplicator.Duplicator`, `noise.NoiseMaker` and `fuzz.Fuzzer` """ def __init__(self, dataset, **kwargs): self.dataset = dataset self.type = kwargs.get('type') if kwargs.get('percentage'): self.percentage = kwargs.get('percentage') / 100 else: self.percentage = .3 try: assert 0 < self.percentage < 1 except AssertionError: raise Exception('You must define a percentage between 1 and 100') @property def num_rows(self): """ return number of rows to transform in dataset based on given percentage. NOTE: this uses rounding so only whole numbers are returned. """ if self.dataset.data_type in ['pandas', 'numpy']: return round( self.dataset.records.shape[0] * self.percentage) rows = round(len(self.dataset.records) * self.percentage) if rows == 0: return 1 return rows
[docs] def get_numeric_columns(self, columns): """ Ensure columns are numeric, this will get indexes of string column names (i.e. Pandas columns or dict keys) Arguments: columns (list of str or int): column list Returns: columns (list of int): column list (only ints) """ if all([isinstance(c, int) or (isinstance(c, str) and c.isnumeric()) for c in columns]): columns = [int(c) for c in columns] if self.dataset.data_type == 'pandas' and any([isinstance(c, str) for c in columns]): columns = [self.dataset.column_idx(col) for col in columns] return columns
[docs] def apply_func_to_column(self, function, column, dataset=None): """ Apply a function to a column in a given dataset. (this should work as uniformly as possible across data types) Arguments: function (lambda or other func): function to apply column (int): column index Kwargs: dataset (`dataset.DataSet`): dataset to use defaults to self.dataset Returns: None Note: This performs transformations on `dataset.records` in place. """ indexes = [] if dataset is None: dataset = self.dataset if dataset.data_type in ['pandas', 'numpy']: while len(indexes) == 0: indexes = random.sample(list(range(dataset.records.shape[0])), random.randint(1, dataset.records.shape[0])) if dataset.data_type == 'pandas': dataset.records.iloc[indexes, column] = \ dataset.records.iloc[indexes, column].map(function) else: try: dataset.records[indexes, column] = np.apply_along_axis( function, 0, dataset.records[indexes, column]) except (TypeError, ValueError): try: func = np.vectorize(function) dataset.records[indexes, column] = np.apply_along_axis( func, 0, dataset.records[indexes, column]) except ValueError as exc: # Force type change. try: numpy_type_transform(exc, dataset) dataset.records[indexes, column] = np.apply_along_axis( function, 0, dataset.records[indexes, column]) except ValueError: logging.exception('Could not transform numpy type') else: while len(indexes) == 0: indexes = random.sample(list(range(len(dataset.records))), random.randint(0, len(dataset.records))) dataset.records = [ val if idx not in indexes else [v if i != column else function(v) for i, v in enumerate(val)] for idx, val in enumerate(dataset.records)] return dataset